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Our Services

London Online College (LOC) is the part of the greatest revolution in today’s eLearning education. We have brought solutions to number of issues with the typical system of education and learning. To start with, you have to pay huge fees in each term to go to a prominent international colleges . With all those spending plan cuts, hectic classrooms, and also training course scarcities, you will not constantly obtain the opportunity to study specifically just what & when you desire in affordable fees.
Even there are learners around the world, who are working, and don’t have time to go & attend the Colleges, but they have desire to upgrade their knowledge and studies. It's no surprise why numerous trainees from all over the globe are choosing LOC level programs or take a minimum of one university training course via an on the internet system. LOC has made a substantial modification in the system as well as, opened up excellent chances for every person who wishes to pursue education at their own pace & own place.
Students of LOC will be obtaining UK approved Awards &Certified courses& degrees. With our credits accepted globally, you will able to progress further studies in UK, Canada, Australia, US & European Universities.
about Our Difference

LOC Mission Statement

The LOC mission is to provide outstanding qualifications, customer service and support, enabling centers to thrive and their learners to achieve and progress. We will support this mission by:

Assisting in not only building Global Careers but also growing Startups, Businesses & Entrepreneurs.

Providing excellent education which not only enable learners to gain value and fulfil their goals but also make a constructiveEconomic & Social contribution to the society.

Delivering support and guidance to improve performance.

Committing to lifelong learning and development.

Developing the active and creative minds& nurturing new ideas for the progressive society.

Advancing through knowledge creation and empowering connections.

Creating a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction and learning styles.

about Our Difference

Dual Degrees

LOC is working closely with partner Universities in UK and worldwide to develop high quality dual and joint degree programmes at Undergraduate &Master’s level. Dual and joint degrees are unique opportunities for students to study at two institutions, with studying at initially at home country & completing the final semesters Overseas. The students benefit from world-renowned experience and expertise in two outstanding institutions while gaining an insight into life in two cities. This also boost a complete development of the student into a world class environment.

What award do dual and joint degrees confer?

LOC students will receive UK qualifications in their Home Country, and will receive Degree from UK Universities on successfully completion of their modules.

about Our Difference

International Career Exchange

``Educational Exchange can turn nations into people, contributing as no other form of communication can to the humanizing of international relations.`` - U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, 1983
about LOC programmes have opened the doors of global opportunities to young people around the world, who will be benefited from professional training experiences and personal growth
about LOC is operating exchange programs for students and young professionals. Looking at the growing demand for people who can adapt to other cultures and countries, LOC is bringing up exchange programs & developing the skills. The purpose of the International Career Exchange is to foster global understanding through educational and cultural exchanges, and for participants to simultaneously learn about each other’s culture, business practices, and expertise.
about Our Difference

Save Money

The Cost-effective strategy of LOC will enablelearners tosave money, by achieving a UK or worldwide degree at their place in very low cost. We will save you 75% of fees of the actual fees in UK studies. UK Degree for overseas students start from approx. £10000.00. LOC learning will reduce this cost to approx. £2500.00 i.e., you will be paying only 25% of cost whilst studying at your home town.
about With LOC Courses the students will able to skip an entire year's study of the degree for every level they achieve, through attaining our awards. LOC Certificates will lead to progress for studies in UK Universities & around the world who recognise our programme.
about Our Difference


LOC is providing a wide variety of qualifications including, but not limited to;business management, tourism, ITcomputer. We have developed exceptional quality standards, excellent customer service and are rewarding qualifications with progression routes to university degrees.
about LOC provides a continuous training support, comprehensive progressions to university, simple easy to use website, flexible delivery solutions, innovative qualifications, a close business development relationship with a focus leading toa global career.

Download Free Student Guide

    process Online Study College

    How It Works?

    Our flexible approach offers you a range of study options. You can study by online and flexible learning, which allows you to combine your studies with work or other commitments

    Self Paced Learning

    LOC provides you Self-Paced Learning. Exactly what does this suggest? Self-paced knowing implies that the trainees could begin finishing the targets any time, and also you could prepare a timetable of your that satisfies your personalized circumstances. LOC online modules enable students to realize what they need, when they need and how they need and have been intended to encourage a significantly speedier, more moderate and drawing in approach to learn.


    Effective Learning

    The two most effective ways of learning was through distributed practice, which spreads out study activities over time; and practice testing which can be done anytime, anywhere on your own whether it's running through questions in your mind or doing practice problems. LOC conveys the online college pathway programs with full Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree/Diploma Awards.

    NO Exams

    LOC curriculum and is based on assignment & is having No exams. With assignment-based learning, each assignment gives students the opportunity to apply themselves in a myriad of ways. They are able to apply the theories they have learnt to a real-life situation, learn how to work with different personality types if it is a group assignment, and think outside the box to come up with possible solutions. This provides a broader, more holistic means to assess learning.

    University Top up

    As the qualifications are Ofqual approved they will be accepted by most UK universities as credits or progression to their Campus programmes. In addition LOC have several progression routes to following Partner. Unversities: Northampton University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Sunderland, University of Nicosia Cyprus, University of Lincoln, University of Derby.


    " I have received the diploma today, thanks for the same. The course was really interesting and I enjoyed it. Once again I would like to thanks the management of Brentwood Open Learning. "



    “I am so impressed with the way our Beauty Therapy course was conducted. I have never done anything like this before. The layout and presentation of the course was very easy to understand.”

    Cecily Brown


    “I managed my course with my family commitments and I did not have to leave my job. In the end the course was a bonus for me. Now I can start my own practice as a qualified interior designer”.

    Alex Teplov


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